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WAC Testing

As a waste producer you have a duty of care to ensure that you have adequately characterised your waste for disposal offsite to landfill. The majority of waste soils can be classified by the landfill operator on the basis of a standard range chemical analysis carried out during the site investigation. However, it is important to ensure that the samples sets relate to current waste movements. If the results indicate waste falling into the “Inert” or “Hazardous” categories, further “Waste Acceptance Criteria” known as WAC testing will be required. Where no site investigation analysis is available this preliminary classification can be made on the basis of the results of a specific “air dried analysis”.

What is Waste Acceptance Criteria Testing?

WAC testing is used to determine how a waste will behave once it’s buried in a landfill. This is carried out primarily through analysis of leachate derived from that waste during laboratory analysis. It cannot be used to determine whether a waste is hazardous or not.  Whether a waste is hazardous is dependant upon the Hazardous Waste Regulations and is established by reference to the Hazardous Waste List of the European Waste Catalogue.

Determinants within the suites include:

  • Loss on Ignition

  • Total Organic Carbon

  • Acid Neutralising Capacity (pH 7)

  • BTEX (Sum)

  • Coronene

  • PAH (Sum) PCB EC7 (Sum)

  • TPH (C10-C40)

  • Antimony

  • Arsenic

  • Barium

  • Cadmium

  • Chloride

  • Chromium

  • Copper

  • Dissolved Organic Carbon

  • Fluoride

  • Lead

  • Mercury

  • Molybdenum

  • Nickel

  • Phenols(Mono)

  • Selenium

  • SO4

  • Total Dissolved Solids

  • Zinc

We are experienced in the classification and management of waste and are able to provide WAC testing and Waste Classification Reporting to all clients.

For further information or to discuss your site investigation contamination testing requirements please Contact Us.


Registered Office (Head Office):

GAL, Stroud Road, Brookthorpe, Gloucester, GL4 0UQ

Tel: 01452 813883

Swindon Office:

116 Commercial Road, Swindon, SN1 5BD

Tel: 01793 272017

Worcester Office:

79 Friar Street, Worcester, WR1 2NT

Tel: 01905 560057

Bristol Office: 

Unit 47, 42 Triangle West, Park Street, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 1ES

Tel: 0117 3270028

Bath Office:

6 & 7 Trim Street, Bath, England, BA1 1HB

Tel: 01225 683862

Areas we cover:

Bath, Bristol, Avon, Somerset, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire, UK

Our Services:

Asbestos Removal, Asbestos Surveying, Demolition, Asbestos Management, Asbestos Collection & Disposal,Legionella Assessment & Lead Testing

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